June Client Newsletter

Happy June everyone!

First and foremost I want to share that I am grateful for the opportunity that I have had to meet and help each of you. The more clients that I help I am re-energized as I march towards my mission of helping one-thousand 1,000 clients within the next 3 years. My motto in life is simple; “treat everyone with respect and always do my best”.

The past few months I have stepped out of my comfort zone and come with a renewed mindset to communicate, educate, and provide Medicare 101 training to clients, Financial Advisors, and CPAs. Guess what? It’s working. What’s my secret sauce? Technology. I am embracing technology like never before and utilizing it to reach more people.  

For those of you who were similar to me and a bit reluctant to try something new, I encourage you to visit a neat website called Senior Planet https://seniorplanet.org/about/our-purpose/.

Give it a try and if you like the experience please share your thoughts by sending an email to [email protected].

Here’s what they offer:

Multi-week technology courses, that help seniors learn computer basics and develop life-enhancing computer skills. Most of the courses are free;

  •     Fitness: Tai Chi, Chair Yoga, Morning Stretch
  •     How to use your smartphone,
  •     Home Internet Access 101
  •     Learn how to navigate YouTube
  •     Book Club
  •     How to spot fake news
  •     Podcasts
  •     Entrepreneur discussion groups

Medicare Man is here to help you and your friends year round

Medicare Man is here to help you and your friends year around

Are your friends or family members turning 65 in 2020? If they are please have them get in touch with me so I can clearly explain their options. I can be reached directly by phone, email, or text.

Employer plans and retiree health insurance plans may be more expensive than Medicare.

If you are 65+ and still working or on a retiree health insurance plan, compare your current options versus joining Medicare. I have helped clients save $900-$10,800 annually by dropping their current coverage and joining Medicare. Every dollar counts!

If you have any questions about your health insurance plan I am here to help answer them.

Personal Notes:

May was a fun month and it ended with great news. Yuri and I both had our birthdays in May and we tend to find reasons for daily mini celebrations which typically result in spending time in nature, eating good food, and yes of course having our fair share of dessert. Speaking of dessert, remember that fantastic baking cake idea I had? Well, my wife quickly put the kibosh on that one! She requested a gourmet chocolate cake from a small bakery (the same one she’d been eye-balling the past 6 months). It’s a family tradition for my wife to have chocolate cake on her birthday. Since my wife’s birthday is at the beginning of the month and mine is at the end of the month I did what any sane person with a sweet tooth would do. I adopted my wife’s birthday cake celebration and yes…we got a second cake, from the same place. Now before you judge me please keep in mind that these are not Costco size birthday cakes, these are mini gourmet cakes. And since they are mini-sized I decided to add a lemon bar, dark chocolate brownie, and chocolate chip cookie. Yuri’s motto is GO BIG OR GO HOME when it comes to occasionally treating yourself. So I did. Okay, now you can judge me.

Young Man Gets His Wish

My 22-year-old nephew was born with Cerebral Palsey. After a lengthy process to find a job he received a job offer at a restaurant in May. He’s got heart and is an inspiration to me. For 6 months he volunteered as a dishwasher to gain work experience. The owner provided him with a tip-fund as a thank you and my nephew saved $500. He now has a driver’s license, a bank account, and a new job. I am proud of him and am also very happy for him. His self-esteem and self-confidence are both growing. Thank you for letting me share the joy of his accomplishments.

Steve Lujan

CA License # 0K39663

EMAIL: [email protected]

PHONE: 760 689 8125


Copyright © 2020 Medicare Man


May Professional Newsletter

The Impact of COVID-19:  Unemployment and early Retirement for your clients

First: I am receiving calls from people that were planning to retire in 2021, but COVID is changing their plans. Or, they are suddenly laid off and are eligible for Medicare.

Our Point: The person retiring is overwhelmed on how Medicare works and it’s complicated parts. Combine that with the fact that their local Social Security offices are closed, these can be very stressful times.

Our advice: If your employment/employer sponsored insurance is impacted in any way, please call Medicare Man so that we can help you with the transition for your specific circumstance.

Medicare Man does NOT charge fees: The rates that you pay for your insurance are exactly the same. The insurance company that you select pays us a commission. Medicare Man provides you with FREE support for life.

Does Medicare cover all of my health care costs?

Medicare covers some of your health care bills, but not all. Depending on the plan you select, you may have to share in the costs by paying premiums, deductibles, copayments and coinsurance. The amount of some of these payments varies from year to year. Most people who qualify for Medicare do not pay a monthly premium for Part A, but pay premiums for Part B and Part D or a Medicare Advantage plan.


Medicare Man Update:

Under “normal circumstances” I attend 1-2 weekly networking events in the communities that I serve. Unfortunately, these events have been postponed in an attempt to keep everyone safe from Covid-19. Networking events provide an opportunity to meet professionals whose clients need help with Medicare planning. As a small business owner developing and maintaining relationships is critical since my business has been built on referrals.   A major blessing in disguise the past 6 weeks has been having the opportunity to spend more time talking on the phone or via Zoom with financial advisors, CPAs, and estate planning attorneys. I am grateful to always take away something of value from each conversation. By educating professionals in the process of Medicare planning they recognize just how confusing Medicare is to navigate. It’s my belief that education equals empowerment for everyone. If you or your clients find yourself in the dark when it comes to Medicare planning please remember that I am available year-round to help.

Steve Lujan

CA License # 0K39663

EMAIL: [email protected]

PHONE: 760 689 8125


Copyright © 2020 Medicare Man


May Client Newsletter

Healthy Tips

Senior citizens are at higher risk from COVID-19. It may result in increased stress levels during these trying times.

Here are some tips that you’ll find helpful:

Choose one thing that you’ve wished you previously had time to do when you were too busy. Make this something that will bring you joy.

Do important tasks that need to be done at home. A chore on your to-do list that is long overdue can leave you feeling really good once it’s completed.

Learn something new. You have plenty of mediums to choose from, there are books, online classes, and YouTube videos. Choose the subject that you will truly enjoy.

Include exercise in your daily routine even if it’s power walking inside your house to the beat of your favorite song.

Stay connected to your loved ones, make them feel special. Personal visits, hugs, and kisses are not yet allowed but we can reach out to them via phone or the power of the internet. There are several apps out there that we can use such as Skype, Zoom, and Facetime. Make a plan to contact one special person each day.

Medicare Man is here to help you and your friends all year round

Do you have any family members or friends who need help;

Signing up for Medicare when they turn 65?
Signing up for Medicare since they are over 65 and retiring?
Making sure they are still on the best Medicare plan?

Medicare Man is here to help



Personal Notes:
Like many of you, my wife Yuri, and I have been doing our best to make the most of each day.  In order for us to keep the peace at home, we decided it would be best if I work from the home office while she takes over the living room with our pets. This idea was meant to help her stay focused on nursing school while I concentrated on my work. Here’s the kicker, she regularly forgets our pact and asks me for random things at random times; yogurt, coffee, potato chips, french fries, chocolate, jello…I think you get the point! I married a big kid!! The same behavior that “occasionally” drives me nuts also melts my heart and leaves me smiling. It’s her playful nature and kid-like tendencies that no question prevents me from turning into a complete prune.

Graduate Nursing School update:
August of 2020 Yuri will graduate and will begin working as a Registered Nurse. We’re excited! She will continue her schooling as she works toward becoming a Nurse Practitioner. Since Covid 19 has impacted our community local hospitals have begun hiring nursing students who are in their final semester. This means that if called upon she may work at Scripps and Sharp locations throughout San Diego county.  She is eager to help and appreciates having the opportunity to support the brave men and women who are doing their best to keep our community healthy and safe.

Medicare Man Update:
Under “normal circumstances” I attend 1-2 weekly networking events in the communities that I serve. Unfortunately, these events have been postponed in an attempt to keep everyone safe from the virus. Networking events provide an opportunity to meet other professionals whose clients need help with Medicare planning. As a small business owner developing personal and professional relationships are critical to my business since my entire business has been built on referrals from clients and professional partners.  As you know Medicare is confusing and not easy to navigate.  A major blessing in disguise this past month has been having the opportunity to spend more time talking on the phone or via Zoom meetings with financial advisors, CPAs, and estate planning attorneys. By educating these professionals in the process of Medicare planning they recognize the importance of doing the same for their clients. I truly believe that education equals empowerment and that we should seek the guidance of those that we know and trust. If you find yourself having questions when it comes to your health insurance please remember that I am available year-round to help you.

Fun Fact:
My wife is celebrating her birthday in May!! In an attempt to score brownie points I will bake her a cake. Wish me luck 🙂

Steve Lujan

CA License # 0K39663

EMAIL: [email protected]

PHONE: 760 689 8125


Copyright © 2020 Medicare Man